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Friday, March 21, 2008

Pornography: A Moral Cancer

Friday, March 21, 2008

Pornography: A Moral Cancer

Notwithstanding what its defenders say, pornography has overwhelmingly pessimistic effects on people's views of sex and sexual conduct. Researchers at the National Foundation for Family Research and Education concluded that "exposure to pornography puts viewers at increased risk for developing sexually deviant tendencies." According to the statement, "the rape myth (belief that women cause and enjoy rape, and that rapists are normal) is very widespread in habitual male users of pornography."

Some researchers pronounce that the repeated use of pornography can mess about with the ability to take pleasure in and partake in normal marital intimacy. Dr. Victor Cline, a specialist in treating sex compulsion, has noticed an inveterate succession in the make use of pornography. If left unbridled, what starts as unfussy viewing of pornography can sooner or later show the way to an intensification to more hard-core, peculiar material. This, he claims, can lead to deviant sexual acts. Behavioral scientists agree. Dr. Cline reports that "any type of sexual deviation can be acquired in this way . . . and that it cannot be eliminated even by massive feelings of guilt." Eventually, the viewer may undertake to do something out the pornography-based, immoral fantasies, often with demoralizing results.

The itinerary of this dilemma may be slow but sure and concealed, concluded Cline. He states: "Like a cancer, it keeps growing and spreading. It rarely ever reverses itself, and it is also very difficult to treat and heal. Denial on the part of the male addict and refusal to confront the problem are typical and predictable, and this almost always leads to marital or couple disharmony, sometimes divorce, and sometimes the breaking up of other intimate relationships."


Anonymous said...

Good post. I saw an interview with a guy once who admitted he was so addicted to pornography that he had a problem being intimate with women. When you live in a fantasy world how can you possible deal with reality?