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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

H1N1 Update

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
In a new report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention share their findings on 30 people hospitalized with the H1N1 swine flu in California. The report shows that 64 percent of the patients had at least one underlying medical condition, thought to increase their risk for swine flu and its complications. Those underlying conditions included chronic lung disease (such as asthma), heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

As of May 19, the CDC reported 5,469 cases of swine flu in 48 states (including six deaths). That same day, the World Health Organization reported 9,830 diagnosed cases in 40 countries, including at least 79 deaths.

While simple actions such as washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth can guard against swine flu, taking steps to boost your immune system may also help keep you healthy.